Visual Impact Muscle Building Review.
Visual Impact Muscle Building Review
But of course, as it goes with any exercise or diet plan, if you don’t follow the instructions it won’t work. If you do follow the plan, you should see some very impressive results.
You will learn a lot of techniques and principles that you can use for the rest of your life, and I highly doubt your personal trainer knows about all this stuff.
You will learn a lot of techniques and principles that you can use for the rest of your life, and I highly doubt your personal trainer knows about all this stuff.
Visual impact muscle building is basically a three-phase plan which should take about 6 months, with a “bonus phase” at the end.
This article is an honest visual impact muscle building review.
The program was created by Rusty Moore.
He is definitely an expert on everything related to fitness, including muscle gain, fat loss, body fat levels and strength training.
Visual Impact Muscle Building Review
Visual impact muscle building is the only program I know of that is not about being huge and bulky like a bodybuilder, but having a respectable amount of muscle in the right places while maintaining a low body fat percentage.
Don’t get me wrong… if you need to gain muscle then visual impact will show you how to do that.
But it will also teach you how to gain that muscle without becoming fat or excessively bulky, what is also known as the “cheesy” bodybuilder look.
It is more about looking like Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig (James Bond) or Taylor Lautner. These are lean and muscular Hollywood actors that the women go crazy about.
If I was to describe the program in one sentence, I would say that:
Visual impact muscle building is a customizable formula for gaining targeted muscle mass in the places where it is needed, while maintaining a low body fat percentage for a fit and functional body.
What does visual impact involve?
- Phase 1 is mainly about gaining muscle in the right places without becoming too bulky. Workouts are in the higher rep range, rest between sets is short and the goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible.
- Phase 2 is more about gaining strength and muscle definition, while still adding to the size. Workouts are in the medium rep range, rest between sets is still short.
- Phase 3 is all about strength, while shedding excess body fat with strategic cardio. Workouts are in the low rep range and rest between sets is longer.
- The Bonus Phase is about something called the “shrink wrap effect”, which is a very clever bodybuilding technique. This is done after the other three phases are over.
It involves going back to a higher rep range, while increasing food intake, after the body fat levels have been lowered. This makes the muscles appear very full and the skin “shrink wrapped” around them.
Normally, after losing a lot of body fat, the skin is kind of loose. If you gain some muscle quickly, that loose skin will look extremely tight.
The bonus phase is perfect if you have some sort of event going on, or if you simply want to get some good photos of yourself with an extremely low body fat. It’s nice to have a few of those photos around, just to brag and boost self-esteem.
The manual itself is 15 chapters and 75 pages. In it, most of the science behind the advanced training techniques is explained, in language that anyone should be able to understand.
Some of those techniques involve the different types of muscle growth (sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy), cumulative fatigue, supplements, how different rep ranges and rest periods affect muscle growth, and plenty more.
Included with visual impact muscle building is a massive guide full of exercise descriptions with both text and pictures. It is over 200 pages long and it has an index feature so you can quickly find the exercise you are looking for.
Included as well are printable workout charts, with the exercises, sets, rep range, rest periods and instructions for each of the three phases.
Rusty also provides a special report about the actual scientific evidence behind most supplements where he interviews experts from the supplement industry, about 30 pages.
My thoughts on the visual impact muscle building program
I have done the visual impact muscle building program myself, and it is probably the most effective body transformation plan I’ve tried so far. And I know of a lot of people that have had very good results with it.
If this interests you then I recommend you check out the visual impact muscle building website, read the descriptions and watch the four free videos.
These videos are quite informative.. so even if you don’t end up buying anything your time will still be well spent because you’ll learn something.
Rusty does completely over deliver, so far I have received 8 exclusive special reports from him in my e-mail inbox.
More information at the Visual Impact Muscle Building website.
Rusty has also made a program specifically for women, which is focused on gaining that slim, sexy and feminine physique: Visual Impact For Women.
P.S. This product has a 60-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked, and it costs less than a single session with a personal trainer.
Posted by Unknown
on 07:53.
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body muscle,
build muscle,
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muscle fitness,
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